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The SALOON SACK WINE BAG EACH is a convenient way to enjoy quality wine on the go. This wine bag offers a rich and robust flavor profile, sourced from the finest grapes in the region.

This wine bag pairs perfectly with a variety of foods, including charcuterie boards, pasta dishes, and grilled meats. Its versatile flavor makes it a great choice for any meal or occasion.

Product Details

SubregionNapa Valley
Size750 ml
  • Opus One Napa Red 2021 750ML

    Opus One Napa Red 2021 750ML

    Opus One Napa Red 2021 750ML is a premium red wine blend from Napa Valley, California. This wine offers a complex flavor profile with notes of dark fruits, cassis, and hints of oak, creating a rich and well-balanced taste.

    For optimal enjoyment, we recommend decanting this wine before serving to allow its flavors to fully develop. Pair with grilled meats, hearty pasta dishes, or aged cheeses to complement the wine's robust characteristics. Enjoy at a slightly cooler than room temperature to enhance its aromas and flavors.


  • Freakshow Zinfandel 750ML

    Freakshow Zinfandel 750ML

    Introducing Freakshow Zinfandel 750ML, a bold and flavorful red wine hailing from California. This Zinfandel boasts rich notes of dark berries, spice, and a hint of vanilla, creating a complex and satisfying taste profile.

    For best enjoyment, serve this wine slightly chilled and pair it with hearty dishes such as grilled meats, barbecue, or spicy pasta dishes. Let the wine breathe for a few minutes before serving to fully appreciate its flavors.



  • La Crema Cabernet 750ML

    La Crema Cabernet 750ML

    La Crema Cabernet 2022 is a rich and bold red wine from California's renowned Sonoma County. This full-bodied Cabernet boasts flavors of blackberry, dark cherry, and a hint of vanilla, with a smooth finish that lingers on the palate.

    Enjoy La Crema Cabernet 2022 on its own or pair it with grilled steak, hearty pasta dishes, or aged cheeses. For optimal flavor, decant the wine for at least 30 minutes before serving at cellar temperature (60-65°F).



  • Opus One 2019 750ML

    Opus One 2019 750ML

    Opus One 2019 is a premium wine from California, known for its rich flavor profile with notes of black fruits, cedar, and tobacco. This blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot grapes is aged in French oak barrels, resulting in a smooth and velvety texture.

    Pair this exquisite wine with grilled steak, lamb chops, or aged cheeses for a luxurious dining experience. The bold flavors of Opus One 2019 complement hearty dishes and bring out the best in savory meals.



  • Plumpjack Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Plumpjack Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Plumpjack Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML is a rich and full-bodied wine from the Napa Valley region. This wine boasts flavors of dark berries, cassis, and hints of oak, with a smooth finish.

    This wine pairs well with red meats such as steak or lamb, as well as rich cheeses like aged cheddar or gouda. It also complements dishes with savory spices or herbs, making it a versatile option for pairing with a variety of meals.


  • Nickel & Nickel Hayne Vineyard Cabernet 2019 750ML

    Nickel & Nickel Hayne Vineyard Cabernet 2019 750ML

    Indulge in the rich and robust flavors of Nickel & Nickel Hayne Vineyard Cabernet 2019. Hailing from the famed Napa Valley region, this wine boasts notes of blackberry, cassis, and dark chocolate, with a smooth finish and velvety tannins.

    Pair this exquisite Cabernet with grilled ribeye steak, braised short ribs, or a hearty mushroom risotto for a luxurious dining experience. This wine also complements strong cheeses like aged Cheddar or Gouda. Enjoy the perfect balance of flavors with each sip of Nickel & Nickel Hayne Vineyard Cabernet 2019.



  • Caymus Suisun The Walking Fool 2021 750ML

    Caymus Suisun The Walking Fool 2021 750ML

    Caymus Suisun The Walking Fool 2021 750ML is a bold and complex wine from the Suisun Valley region. With notes of dark berries, mocha, and hints of oak, this wine is full-bodied and rich on the palate, with a smooth finish.

    This wine pairs perfectly with grilled steak, hearty beef stews, and aged cheeses. Its robust flavor profile can also complement dishes like lamb chops and mushroom risotto. Enjoy a glass of Caymus Suisun The Walking Fool 2021 750ML with your favorite hearty dishes for a truly elevated dining experience.


  • Glenville Napa Valley Cabernet 750ML

    Glenville Napa Valley Cabernet 750ML

    Enjoy the rich and velvety flavor of Glenville Napa Valley Cabernet. This full-bodied red wine boasts notes of black cherry, cassis, and hints of vanilla. Sourced from the prestigious Napa Valley region, this Cabernet is sure to impress wine enthusiasts.

    Pair this exquisite Cabernet with hearty dishes such as grilled ribeye steak, roasted lamb, or aged cheeses. The robust flavors of the wine will complement the savory notes of the food, creating a perfect pairing for any special occasion.


  • Glenville Red Hills Cabernet Reserve 2020 750ML

    Glenville Red Hills Cabernet Reserve 2020 750ML

    Experience the rich and robust flavors of our Glenville Red Hills Cabernet Reserve 2020 750ML wine. This wine hails from the prestigious Red Hills region, known for producing high-quality Cabernet Sauvignon. Expect notes of dark fruit, elegant tannins, and a long, smooth finish.

    Pair this exquisite Cabernet with hearty dishes such as grilled steak, lamb chops, or mushroom risotto. It also complements aged cheeses like cheddar or gouda. Enhance your dining experience with the perfect bottle of Glenville Red Hills Cabernet Reserve 2020.
