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Billecart-Salmon Brut Rose NV 750ML

Product price



Billecart-Salmon Brut Rose NV 750ML is a delightful wine with a delicate flavor profile. Hailing from the Champagne region in France, this wine offers notes of red berries and a crisp, refreshing finish.

This elegant wine pairs beautifully with a variety of foods, including seafood dishes like shrimp cocktail or grilled salmon. It also complements desserts such as berry tarts or dark chocolate. Enjoy this wine on its own or as a versatile addition to any meal.

Product Details

VarietalPinot Noir
Size750 ml
  • Louis Dumont Brut Rose NV 750ML

    Louis Dumont Brut Rose NV 750ML

    Louis Dumont Brut Rose NV 750ML is a delightful sparkling wine hailing from an exquisite region known for its rich history of winemaking. This wine boasts a refreshing flavor profile with hints of red fruits and a crisp, dry finish.

    Pair this elegant Brut Rose with a variety of dishes such as seafood, cheeses, salads, or light desserts. It is the perfect choice for brunch gatherings, celebrations, or simply enjoying a glass on a sunny afternoon.


  • Gonet-Medeville Extra Brut Rose Champ NV 750ML

    Gonet-Medeville Extra Brut Rose Champ NV 750ML

    Experience the exquisite taste of Gonet-Medeville Extra Brut Rose Champ NV 750ML, a delightful wine from the Champagne region. This elegant wine offers a harmonious blend of flavors, including notes of red fruits and a crisp, dry finish.

    Pair this delightful wine with a variety of dishes, such as seafood risotto, grilled salmon, or a mixed berry salad. Its refreshing acidity and fruit-forward profile make it a versatile option for any occasion.
