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Finca Wolffer White 2021 750ML

Product price



Finca Wolffer White 2021 is a refreshing white wine from the Finca Wolffer vineyard. This crisp wine features notes of citrus and tropical fruits, with a hint of minerality, making it the perfect choice for a summer day. Originating from Spain, this wine is sure to please any white wine lover.

This versatile white wine pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes, including seafood, salads, and light pastas. Try pairing it with grilled shrimp skewers, a citrus ceviche, or a fresh caprese salad for a delicious dining experience.

Product Details

RegionCentral Valley
SubregionCentral Valley
VarietalWhite Blend
Size750 ml
  • Conundrum White 2021 750ML

    Conundrum White 2021 750ML

    Conundrum White 2021 750ML is a delightful blend of white wines from California. This crisp and refreshing wine offers a harmonious mix of citrus, tropical fruits, and floral notes, creating a balanced and complex flavor profile.

    Pair this versatile white wine with a variety of dishes such as seafood, salads, grilled vegetables, and poultry. It is also a great companion to spicy Asian cuisine or as a refreshing drink on its own.



  • Floriography Blooming White 2020 750ML

    Floriography Blooming White 2020 750ML

    Floriography Blooming White 2020 750ML is a delightful wine with a crisp and refreshing flavor profile. This white wine is crafted from grapes sourced from the finest vineyards in a renowned wine region, ensuring a high-quality and flavorful product.

    This elegant wine pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes, including seafood, salads, and light pasta dishes. The bright and citrusy notes of Floriography Blooming White complement a wide range of flavors, making it a versatile choice for any meal.
