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Bollinger Rose NV 750ML

Product price



Bollinger Rose NV 750ML is a delightful wine with a refreshing blend of red fruit flavors. This elegant rose is sourced from the prestigious Champagne region in France.

This versatile wine pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes including seafood, poultry, and salads. Enjoy a glass of Bollinger Rose NV 750ML with grilled shrimp skewers, roasted chicken, or a mixed green salad with vinaigrette dressing.

Product Details

Size750 ml
  • Pannier Rose Brut NV 750ML

    Pannier Rose Brut NV 750ML

    Pannier Rose Brut NV 750ML is a delightful sparkling wine from the Champagne region of France. This elegant wine offers fruity notes of ripe strawberries and cherries, with a crisp and refreshing finish.

    This sparkling wine pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes, including seafood such as oysters and sushi, as well as light salads and soft cheeses. It is also a fantastic choice for a celebratory toast or as an aperitif before a special meal.
