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Glenville Red Hills Cabernet Reserve 2020 750ML

Product price



Experience the rich and robust flavors of our Glenville Red Hills Cabernet Reserve 2020 750ML wine. This wine hails from the prestigious Red Hills region, known for producing high-quality Cabernet Sauvignon. Expect notes of dark fruit, elegant tannins, and a long, smooth finish.

Pair this exquisite Cabernet with hearty dishes such as grilled steak, lamb chops, or mushroom risotto. It also complements aged cheeses like cheddar or gouda. Enhance your dining experience with the perfect bottle of Glenville Red Hills Cabernet Reserve 2020.

Product Details

SubregionNapa Valley
VarietalCabernet Sauvignon
Size750 ml
  • Carnivor Cabernet 2020 750ML

    Carnivor Cabernet 2020 750ML

    Carnivor Cabernet 2020 750ML is a rich and bold red wine hailing from the renowned wine region of California. This full-bodied Cabernet Sauvignon is bursting with flavors of dark berries, black cherries, and a hint of mocha, with a smooth finish that lingers on the palate.

    This robust Cabernet pairs perfectly with grilled steaks, hearty stews, and aged cheeses. It's also a great match for dishes featuring roasted vegetables or savory herb-infused dishes. Enjoy a bottle of Carnivor Cabernet 2020 750ML with your next meal for a truly indulgent dining experience.



  • Orin Swift Palermo 2020 750ML

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    The Orin Swift Palermo 2020 750ML is a bold and complex red wine from the Palermo region. With notes of dark fruits, spice, and a hint of oak, this wine offers a rich and robust flavor profile that is perfect for the discerning wine connoisseur.

    This wine pairs well with grilled red meats, hearty pasta dishes, and aged cheeses. It is also a great choice to enjoy on its own as a luxurious treat at the end of a long day.


  • Hindsight Napa Cabernet 750ML

    Hindsight Napa Cabernet 750ML

    Hindsight Napa Cabernet 750ML is a rich and full-bodied wine from the renowned Napa Valley region. With flavors of dark berries, plum, and hints of oak, this Cabernet offers a smooth and velvety finish that lingers on the palate.

    This wine pairs perfectly with grilled ribeye steak, roasted lamb, or aged cheddar cheese. For a lighter option, try pairing with roasted vegetable pasta or mushroom risotto. Enjoy this Napa Cabernet with your favorite hearty dishes for a truly satisfying dining experience.


  • Grayson Cellars Cabernet 2020 750ML

    Grayson Cellars Cabernet 2020 750ML

    Grayson Cellars Cabernet 2020 750ML is a rich and full-bodied red wine from California. This Cabernet offers flavors of dark berries, plum, and a hint of spice, with a smooth finish that lingers on the palate.

    This versatile wine pairs well with grilled steak, roasted lamb, hearty stews, and aged cheeses. It is perfect for enjoying on its own or as an accompaniment to a variety of dishes.


  • Slices Napa Valley Cabernet 750ML

    Slices Napa Valley Cabernet 750ML

    Slices Napa Valley Cabernet is a rich and full-bodied wine, showcasing the classic flavors of blackberry, plum, and hints of oak. This wine hails from the renowned Napa Valley region, known for producing top-quality Cabernet Sauvignon.

    Pair this elegant wine with grilled steaks, roasted lamb, or aged cheeses for a delightful dining experience. It also complements hearty pasta dishes with red sauce or a charcuterie board with cured meats.


  • Paul Hobbs Crossbarn Cabernet 750ML

    Paul Hobbs Crossbarn Cabernet 750ML

    The Paul Hobbs Crossbarn Cabernet is a rich and elegant wine hailing from California. It boasts flavors of dark berries, cassis, and hints of baking spices, with a smooth finish that lingers on the palate.

    This Cabernet pairs beautifully with grilled steaks, hearty pasta dishes, and aged cheeses. It is also versatile enough to enjoy on its own as a delightful evening sipper.



  • Joey Tensley Fundamental Cabernet 2020 750ML

    Joey Tensley Fundamental Cabernet 2020 750ML

    Joey Tensley Fundamental Cabernet 2020 is a rich and full-bodied wine with flavors of black currant, dark cherry, and hints of oak. This delicious Cabernet comes from California, USA, known for producing high-quality wines.

    This wine pairs excellently with grilled steak, roasted lamb, or aged cheeses. Its bold flavor profile complements rich and savory dishes perfectly.


  • Paul Hobbs Napa Cabernet 2020 750ML

    Paul Hobbs Napa Cabernet 2020 750ML

    Paul Hobbs Napa Cabernet 2020 750ML is a rich and full-bodied wine from the renowned Napa Valley region. This Cabernet showcases flavors of dark fruit, such as black cherry and cassis, with hints of cedar and spice, creating a complex and balanced profile.

    This wine pairs excellently with red meat dishes such as grilled steak or braised short ribs. It also complements aged cheeses like Parmigiano-Reggiano or sharp cheddar. For a decadent experience, pair this Napa Cabernet with dark chocolate desserts.



  • Kadabra Cabernet 2020 750ML

    Kadabra Cabernet 2020 750ML

    Kadabra Cabernet 2020 is a bold and rich red wine from the renowned region of Napa Valley. This Cabernet offers deep flavors of dark fruits, chocolate, and hints of tobacco, with a smooth finish.

    This wine pairs perfectly with grilled steak, hearty pasta dishes, and aged cheeses. Enjoy Kadabra Cabernet 2020 with a classic beef stew or a charcuterie board for a delightful dining experience.


  • Rickshaw Cabernet 2020 750ML

    Rickshaw Cabernet 2020 750ML

    Rickshaw Cabernet 2020 750ML is a red wine with a rich and bold flavor profile. This Cabernet comes from the renowned wine region of California, known for producing top-quality wines.

    This Cabernet is best paired with red meats such as steak or lamb, as well as savory dishes like barbecued ribs or aged cheeses. It also complements pasta dishes with rich tomato-based sauces. Enjoy a glass of Rickshaw Cabernet with your favorite hearty meals for a delightful dining experience.
