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Ruby Red Rose NV 750ML

Product price



The Ruby Red Rose NV 750ML is a delightful wine with fruity notes of ripe red berries and a hint of floral aromas. This wine originates from a vineyard in a renowned wine-producing region, known for its high-quality grapes and expert winemaking techniques.

This versatile wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, including grilled chicken salads, seafood pasta, and cheese platters. It is also a great option to enjoy on its own as a refreshing and light-bodied beverage.

Product Details

SubregionNapa Valley
Size750 ml
  • Scharffenberger Rose Brut 750ML

    Scharffenberger Rose Brut 750ML

    Scharffenberger Rose Brut 750ML is a delightful sparkling wine with notes of strawberries and cherries. This elegant wine is crafted in the Anderson Valley region of California.

    This sparkling rose wine pairs wonderfully with a variety of dishes, including seafood, salads, and desserts. It is a versatile wine that complements a wide range of flavors, making it perfect for any occasion.


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    Roscato Sweet Rose NV 750ML

    Roscato Sweet Rose NV 750ML is a delightful wine known for its refreshing taste and beautiful pink hue. Hailing from Italy, this wine offers a perfect balance of sweetness and freshness, making it a favorite among wine enthusiasts.

    Pair this Roscato Sweet Rose with light salads, fresh seafood, or fruity desserts for a delicious combination of flavors. This wine also complements spicy dishes and barbecue fare, making it a versatile choice for any meal.
