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Freakshow Zinfandel 750ML

Product price




Introducing Freakshow Zinfandel 750ML, a bold and flavorful red wine hailing from California. This Zinfandel boasts rich notes of dark berries, spice, and a hint of vanilla, creating a complex and satisfying taste profile.

For best enjoyment, serve this wine slightly chilled and pair it with hearty dishes such as grilled meats, barbecue, or spicy pasta dishes. Let the wine breathe for a few minutes before serving to fully appreciate its flavors.

Product Details

SubregionNapa Valley
Size750 ml
  • Frank Family Zinfandel 2021 750ML

    Frank Family Zinfandel 2021 750ML

    Frank Family Zinfandel 2021 is a rich and fruity wine from the Napa Valley region. This Zinfandel boasts flavors of ripe berries, black pepper, and a hint of oak, making it a perfect choice for those who enjoy bold red wines.

    This Zinfandel pairs well with grilled meats, especially barbecued ribs or spicy sausages. It also complements hearty pasta dishes like lasagna or beef stroganoff. For a perfect match, try pairing it with a charcuterie board filled with aged cheeses and cured meats.



  • Cline Ancient Vines Zinfandel 2021 750ML

    Cline Ancient Vines Zinfandel 2021 750ML

    Enjoy the rich and bold flavors of Cline Ancient Vines Zinfandel 2021. This wine showcases notes of ripe blackberries, spicy pepper, and a hint of vanilla, sourced from old vines in California.

    Pair this Zinfandel with grilled meats, BBQ dishes, and hearty pasta with red sauce for a delicious dining experience. It also complements aged cheeses and dark chocolate desserts perfectly.



  • Carol Shelto Wild Thing Zin 750ML

    Carol Shelto Wild Thing Zin 750ML

    Indulge in the bold flavors of Carol Shelto Wild Thing Zin 2020 750ML, a rich and velvety wine from an undisclosed region. This Zinfandel features notes of ripe blackberries, dark cherries, and a hint of spice, making it the perfect choice for those who enjoy a full-bodied red.

    This wine pairs excellently with grilled meats, such as juicy steaks or hearty burgers. It also complements dishes with bold flavors like barbecue ribs or spicy lamb curry. For a more casual option, try enjoying this wine with a charcuterie board filled with aged cheeses and cured meats.


  • Robert Biale Black Chicken Zinfandel 750ML

    Robert Biale Black Chicken Zinfandel 750ML

    Robert Biale Black Chicken Zinfandel 2021 750ML is a rich and full-bodied wine sourced from California. This Zinfandel boasts flavors of dark berries, black pepper, and hints of oak, making it a delicious and robust choice for wine enthusiasts.

    Pair this wine with grilled meats, barbecued dishes, spicy cuisine, and hearty pastas to enhance the flavors and create a delightful dining experience. The bold flavors of the Robert Biale Black Chicken Zinfandel 2021 750ML will complement a variety of savory dishes, making it a versatile option for food pairing.
