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LAHERTE FRERES BRUT 750ML is a premium wine from the Champagne region of France. This sparkling wine has a crisp and refreshing flavor profile with notes of citrus, green apple, and brioche.

This wine pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes, including oysters, seafood, sushi, and creamy cheeses. It is also a great choice to enjoy on its own as a celebratory drink or aperitif.

Product Details

Size750 ml
  • Gaston Belvigne Brut Champagne 750ML

    Gaston Belvigne Brut Champagne 750ML

    Gaston Belvigne Brut Champagne 750ML is a high-quality sparkling wine originating from the Champagne region in France. This elegant brut champagne offers a delicate balance of crisp acidity and fresh fruit flavors, making it perfect for special celebrations or casual gatherings.

    This champagne pairs beautifully with a variety of foods, including oysters, seafood, soft cheeses, and light hors d'oeuvres. Its versatile flavor profile also complements poultry dishes, salads, and desserts like fruit tarts or sorbets.


  • Gaston Chiquet Premier Cru Champagne NV 750ML

    Gaston Chiquet Premier Cru Champagne NV 750ML

    Enjoy the exquisite taste of Gaston Chiquet Premier Cru Champagne NV 750ML, a sparkling wine from the Champagne region. This premier cru champagne offers a perfect balance of fruity and floral notes, with a crisp and refreshing finish.

    This champagne pairs beautifully with a variety of foods, including oysters, shrimp cocktail, and creamy cheeses. It also complements light salads and delicate seafood dishes, making it a versatile option for any meal or celebration.


  • Billecart-Salmon Brut NV 750ML

    Billecart-Salmon Brut NV 750ML

    The Billecart-Salmon Brut NV 750ML is a delightful sparkling wine from the Champagne region of France. This wine offers a crisp and refreshing flavor profile with notes of citrus, green apple, and toasted brioche.

    This versatile wine pairs excellently with a variety of dishes, including seafood such as oysters and shrimp, as well as soft cheeses like brie and camembert. It also complements light and fresh salads, making it the perfect choice for elegant gatherings and celebrations.


  • Moet & Chandon Nectar Imperial 750ML

    Moet & Chandon Nectar Imperial 750ML

    Moet & Chandon Nectar Imperial 750ML is a luxurious wine originating from the renowned Champagne region in France. This exquisite blend offers a rich and indulgent flavor profile with notes of ripe fruits and a touch of sweetness, making it a perfect choice for those who appreciate a decadent wine experience.

    Pair this exquisite wine with rich and creamy dishes like lobster mac and cheese, foie gras, or crème brûlée for a truly elevated culinary experience. It also complements spicy foods such as Thai curry or Indian biryani, enhancing the flavors and providing a delightful contrast to the heat.


  • Perrier Jouet Blanc de Blanc 750ML

    Perrier Jouet Blanc de Blanc 750ML

    Perrier Jouet Blanc de Blanc 750ML is a delightful sparkling wine originating from the Champagne region of France. This crisp and elegant wine boasts flavors of green apple, citrus, and a hint of floral notes, making it a perfect choice for any special occasion.

    Pair this exquisite Blanc de Blanc with a variety of dishes such as oysters, sushi, or light salads for a truly luxurious dining experience. This refreshing wine also complements seafood, chicken, or creamy pasta dishes superbly, enhancing the overall dining experience.



  • Pierre Brigandat Brut Tradition NV 750ML

    Pierre Brigandat Brut Tradition NV 750ML

    Pierre Brigandat Brut Tradition NV 750ML is a classic sparkling wine sourced from the Champagne region of France. This elegant Brut offers a crisp and refreshing taste with notes of green apple, citrus, and a touch of brioche.

    This versatile wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, including seafood such as oysters and sushi, as well as light appetizers like charcuterie and fresh salads. It also complements creamy cheeses and can be enjoyed on its own as an aperitif.


  • Bollinger Special Cuvee 750ML

    Bollinger Special Cuvee 750ML

    Bollinger Special Cuvee 750ML is a premium wine from France known for its rich, complex flavors. This champagne offers notes of apple, pear, and toasted bread, with a crisp and refreshing finish. Crafted in the Champagne region, this wine represents the epitome of quality and elegance.

    Pair this exquisite wine with a variety of dishes such as seafood, poultry, or creamy cheeses. It also complements Asian cuisine and rich desserts like crème brûlée. Enjoy this versatile wine at your next special occasion or intimate gathering.



  • Veuve Clicquot Brut NV 750ML

    Veuve Clicquot Brut NV 750ML

    Enjoy the exquisite taste of Veuve Clicquot Brut NV 750ML, a fine wine hailing from the Champagne region of France. This wine boasts a balanced blend of Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, and Chardonnay grapes, leading to a crisp and refreshing flavor profile with notes of citrus and toast.

    This elegant wine pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes, including seafood such as oysters and sushi, as well as light poultry dishes like roasted chicken or turkey. Its versatility also makes it an excellent choice to enjoy on its own as a celebratory aperitif.



  • Jacquart Mosaique Brut NV 750ML

    Jacquart Mosaique Brut NV 750ML

    Jacquart Mosaique Brut NV 750ML is a delightful sparkling wine from the Champagne region in France. This elegant blend offers a refreshing taste with notes of citrus, apple, and pear, complemented by a crisp acidity and a hint of brioche on the finish.

    This versatile wine pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes, including seafood such as oysters and sushi, as well as light appetizers like cheeses and salads. It also makes a delightful aperitif on its own, adding a touch of sophistication to any occasion.



  • Deutz Brut Classic Champagne NV 750ML

    Deutz Brut Classic Champagne NV 750ML

    Deutz Brut Classic Champagne NV 750ML is a delightful sparkling wine from the Champagne region in France. This elegant champagne offers a crisp and refreshing flavor profile with notes of citrus, apple, and toast, making it the perfect choice for any celebration or special occasion.

    This versatile champagne pairs excellently with a variety of foods, including oysters, caviar, sushi, and creamy cheeses. It also complements light and delicate dishes like seafood, salads, and white meats. Enjoy the Deutz Brut Classic Champagne NV 750ML chilled to enhance its flavors and elevate your dining experience.
