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Iconic Sidekick Chardonnay 750ML

Product price



Iconic Sidekick Chardonnay 750ML is a refreshing white wine with vibrant notes of tropical fruits, citrus, and a hint of oak. This Chardonnay hails from California, known for producing high-quality wines with excellent balance and complexity.

To fully enjoy the flavors of Iconic Sidekick Chardonnay, serve chilled at around 50-55°F and pair with light dishes such as seafood, salads, or creamy pasta. This versatile wine also pairs well with soft cheeses or can be enjoyed on its own as a delightful aperitif.

Product Details

SubregionNapa Valley
Size750 ml
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    Plumpjack Chardonnay 750ML

    Plumpjack Chardonnay 2023 750ML is a refreshing white wine sourced from the renowned Napa Valley region. This chardonnay boasts crisp notes of apple, pear, and citrus, with a hint of oak for added complexity.

    This versatile Chardonnay pairs well with a variety of dishes, including grilled seafood, roasted chicken, and creamy pasta dishes. For a perfect pairing, enjoy a glass of Plumpjack Chardonnay with crab cakes or a classic Caesar salad.



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    McNab Ridge Chardonnay 2023 750ML is a refreshing white wine from the renowned wine region. This Chardonnay offers a balanced flavor profile with notes of tropical fruits, citrus, and a hint of oak.

    Pair this delightful Chardonnay with seafood dishes such as shrimp scampi or grilled salmon, creamy pasta dishes like fettuccine Alfredo, or chicken dishes like roasted chicken or chicken Caesar salad.


  • Far Niente Chardonnay 750ML

    Far Niente Chardonnay 750ML

    Far Niente Chardonnay 750ML is a delightful white wine from the well-known wine region of Napa Valley. This chardonnay displays flavors of ripe apple, pear, and citrus, with a creamy mouthfeel and a touch of oak on the finish.

    This elegant wine pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes, including roasted chicken, seafood pasta, or creamy cheeses such as brie. Enjoy a glass of Far Niente Chardonnay 2022 750ML with your favorite meal for a truly memorable dining experience.
