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Carpineto Dogajolo 2020 750ML

Product price



Carpineto Dogajolo 2020 750ML is a delightful wine from the Tuscany region of Italy. This red wine boasts a harmonious blend of Sangiovese and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, offering flavors of ripe red fruits, herbs, and spices with a smooth finish.

Pair this Carpineto Dogajolo with classic Italian dishes such as pasta with tomato sauce, pizza, grilled meats, or aged cheeses for a perfect dining experience.

Product Details

Size750 ml
  • Santa Margherita Chianti Classico 750ML

    Santa Margherita Chianti Classico 750ML

    Enjoy the Santa Margherita Chianti Classico 2020, a rich and robust wine from the Chianti region in Tuscany, Italy. This 750ml bottle boasts smooth tannins with flavors of cherry, plum, and spice, making it the perfect choice for those who appreciate traditional Italian red wines.

    This Chianti Classico pairs beautifully with hearty pasta dishes such as lasagna or spaghetti bolognese. It also complements grilled meats, aged cheeses, and risotto dishes. Serve slightly chilled for optimal enjoyment.


  • San Lorenzo Chianti 2021 750ML

    San Lorenzo Chianti 2021 750ML

    San Lorenzo Chianti 2021 is a delightful wine from the Chianti region. This medium-bodied red wine offers aromas of cherry, raspberry, and a hint of spice, with a smooth finish on the palate.

    Pair this San Lorenzo Chianti 2021 with classic Italian dishes such as pasta with tomato sauce, Margherita pizza, or hearty lasagna. It also complements grilled meats, aged cheeses, and charcuterie boards.


  • Tomaiolo Chianti Riserva 2019 750ML

    Tomaiolo Chianti Riserva 2019 750ML

    Tomaiolo Chianti Riserva 2019 is a premium wine from the renowned Chianti region of Tuscany, Italy. This full-bodied red wine is characterized by rich flavors of dark cherry, blackberry, and hints of spice, with a smooth finish that lingers on the palate.

    Pair this elegant Chianti Riserva with classic Italian dishes such as grilled lamb chops, wild mushroom risotto, or aged cheeses like Parmigiano Reggiano. It also complements hearty pasta dishes like Bolognese and spicy sausage pizza perfectly.



  • Castello di Farnetella Chianti 750ML

    Castello di Farnetella Chianti 750ML

    Castello di Farnetella Chianti 750ML is a classic Tuscan red wine with a rich and robust flavor profile. Made from Sangiovese grapes, this Chianti offers notes of cherry, plum, and earthy undertones, with a hint of spice on the finish. It hails from the renowned Chianti region in Italy, known for producing high-quality wines.

    This versatile wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, including grilled meats, pasta dishes, and aged cheeses. Serve slightly chilled at around 60-65°F to fully enjoy its complex flavors. Whether enjoyed on its own or with a meal, Castello di Farnetella Chianti is sure to impress with its bold and elegant taste.


  • Carpineto Chianti Classico 750ML

    Carpineto Chianti Classico 750ML

    Carpineto Chianti Classico is a premium wine from the Chianti region of Tuscany, Italy. This red wine is known for its rich flavors of dark cherry, plum, and earthy notes, with a balanced acidity and smooth tannins.

    Pair this Carpineto Chianti Classico with traditional Italian dishes such as pasta with tomato sauce, grilled meats, or aged cheeses for a perfect dining experience.



  • Fontella Chianti 2020 750ML

    Fontella Chianti 2020 750ML

    Fontella Chianti 2020 750ML is a classic red wine from the Chianti region of Tuscany, Italy. It features a medium body with notes of tart cherry, earthy undertones, and a hint of spice, making it a versatile choice for any occasion.

    This Chianti pairs well with traditional Italian dishes such as pasta with marinara sauce, grilled meats, and aged cheeses. It also complements a variety of international cuisines, including Mediterranean and Middle Eastern flavors.


  • Volpaia Chianti Classico 2021 750ML

    Volpaia Chianti Classico 2021 750ML

    Volpaia Chianti Classico 2021 750ML is a classic Italian red wine with a bold flavor profile of cherry, plum, and earthy undertones. This wine hails from the renowned Chianti region in Tuscany, known for producing high-quality Sangiovese grapes.

    Enjoy Volpaia Chianti Classico 2021 750ML with hearty Italian dishes such as pasta with tomato-based sauces, grilled meats, and aged cheeses. Serve slightly chilled at around 60-65°F for the best tasting experience.

