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Cerro Rosso di Montepulciano 2022 750ML

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Indulge in the rich flavors of Cerro Rosso di Montepulciano 2022, a red wine from the Montepulciano region in Italy. This wine boasts a smooth and velvety texture with notes of dark cherry, plum, and a hint of spice, creating a well-balanced and elegant taste profile.

This wine pairs wonderfully with hearty Italian dishes such as pasta bolognese, grilled ribeye steak, or aged cheeses like pecorino or parmesan. Enhance your dining experience by enjoying Cerro Rosso di Montepulciano 2022 with your favorite savory meals.

Product Details

Size750 ml
  • Il Poggione Tosacana 750ML

    Il Poggione Tosacana 750ML

    Il Poggione Tosacana 750ML is a delightful wine from the Tuscany region, known for its rich and complex flavor profile. This wine boasts notes of dark berries, spice, and a hint of earthiness, making it a perfect choice for those who enjoy full-bodied reds.

    This wine pairs beautifully with hearty Italian dishes such as lasagna, grilled steak, or wild mushroom risotto. For a more casual pairing, try enjoying it with a charcuterie board featuring a selection of cured meats and aged cheeses. No matter the occasion, Il Poggione Tosacana 750ML is sure to impress.



  • Il Poggione Rosso Di Montalcino 750ML

    Il Poggione Rosso Di Montalcino 750ML

    Il Poggione Rosso Di Montalcino 750ML is a classic red wine from the renowned Montalcino region in Tuscany, Italy. This wine is known for its rich flavors of cherries, plums, and earthy notes, with a smooth and elegant finish.

    This wine pairs beautifully with traditional Italian dishes such as pasta with tomato-based sauces, grilled meats, and aged cheeses. It also complements hearty dishes like beef stew or roasted lamb.


  • Fattoria Del Cerro Chianti 2022 750ML

    Fattoria Del Cerro Chianti 2022 750ML

    Experience the bold flavors of Fattoria Del Cerro Chianti 2022 750ML, a classic Italian wine from the renowned Chianti region. This wine showcases notes of cherry, plum, and earthy undertones, with a well-balanced acidity and smooth tannins.

    Pair this Chianti with traditional Italian dishes such as pasta pomodoro, Margherita pizza, or grilled lamb chops. It also complements a variety of cheeses like Parmigiano Reggiano and Pecorino Toscano. Enjoy this wine at your next dinner party or casual gathering.


  • Fattoria Lucignano Chianti 750ML

    Fattoria Lucignano Chianti 750ML

    Experience the rich and robust flavors of Fattoria Lucignano Chianti 2022 750ML. This classic Italian red wine from the Chianti region is known for its bold cherry and plum notes, with hints of spice and tobacco. Made with Sangiovese grapes, this wine offers a well-balanced acidity and a smooth finish.

    Pair this Chianti with your favorite Italian dishes, such as pasta with marinara sauce or a hearty beef stew. Serve at room temperature in a large Bordeaux glass to fully appreciate the wine's complex flavor profile. Store in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight to maintain its quality. Enjoy this versatile wine on any occasion, whether it's a casual dinner with friends or a special celebration.


  • Antinori Peppoli Chianti Classico 750ML

    Antinori Peppoli Chianti Classico 750ML

    Antinori Peppoli Chianti Classico 2019 750ML is a classic Italian red wine from the Chianti region. This wine offers a well-balanced combination of red fruits, black cherry, and floral notes, with a hint of spice and earthiness.

    Pair this Antinori Peppoli Chianti Classico with traditional Italian dishes such as pasta with tomato-based sauces, pizza, roasted meats, and aged cheeses. It also complements Mediterranean cuisine, making it a versatile choice for a variety of meals.



  • Poderina Rosso di Montalcino 2022 750ML

    Poderina Rosso di Montalcino 2022 750ML

    Get ready to savor the rich flavors of Poderina Rosso di Montalcino 2022. This exquisite wine hailing from Montalcino, Italy, boasts a bold and complex flavor profile with hints of cherry, plum, and spice, making it a perfect choice for wine enthusiasts looking to elevate their sipping experience.

    Pair this elegant red wine with hearty dishes such as braised lamb, aged cheeses, or roasted duck for a truly unforgettable culinary experience. The Poderina Rosso di Montalcino 2022 is also a fantastic complement to classic Italian pasta dishes like spaghetti alla carbonara or wild mushroom risotto. Cheers to good food and great wine!
