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Yago Sant Gria 750ML

Product price



Yago Sant Gria 750ML is a refreshing wine known for its fruity flavors of citrus and berries. This red wine from Spain is made with a blend of red wine, natural citrus fruit flavors, and a touch of sweetness, creating a balanced and easy-to-drink beverage.

This versatile wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, including tapas, grilled meats, spicy foods, and desserts such as fruit tarts and cheesecake. Enjoy Yago Sant Gria 750ML chilled for the perfect accompaniment to any meal or social gathering.

Product Details

VarietalRed Blend
Size750 ml
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    Barefoot Sangria 750ML

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    This Sangria pairs well with a variety of dishes, including tapas, paella, and grilled meats. Enjoy a glass with your favorite Spanish cuisine or simply sip on its own for a refreshing treat.



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    Mija Red Sangria NV 750ML

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    Pair Mija Red Sangria with a variety of dishes such as grilled meats, tapas, pasta dishes, and paella. Its versatile flavor profile makes it the perfect choice for outdoor gatherings and summer BBQs.
