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La Crema Cabernet 750ML

Product price




La Crema Cabernet 2022 is a rich and bold red wine from California's renowned Sonoma County. This full-bodied Cabernet boasts flavors of blackberry, dark cherry, and a hint of vanilla, with a smooth finish that lingers on the palate.

Enjoy La Crema Cabernet 2022 on its own or pair it with grilled steak, hearty pasta dishes, or aged cheeses. For optimal flavor, decant the wine for at least 30 minutes before serving at cellar temperature (60-65°F).

Product Details

SubregionNapa Valley
VarietalCabernet Sauvignon
Size750 ml
  • The Critic Napa Cabernet 750ML

    The Critic Napa Cabernet 750ML

    Indulge in the smooth and rich flavors of The Critic Napa Cabernet 2022. This exquisite wine from the Napa Valley region offers a full-bodied profile with notes of dark berries, oak, and a hint of spice.

    Pair this Napa Cabernet with juicy steaks, lamb chops, or aged cheeses to enhance the wine's robust flavors and create a memorable dining experience.



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    Pair this exquisite wine with hearty dishes such as grilled steak, roasted lamb, or aged cheeses for a truly unforgettable dining experience. The robust flavors of the Caymus California Cabernet 2022 750ML will complement and elevate the flavors of your favorite dishes.


  • Quilt Napa Valley Cabernet 750ML

    Quilt Napa Valley Cabernet 750ML

    Quilt Napa Valley Cabernet is a rich and bold red wine with flavors of dark berries, cassis, and hints of vanilla. This wine is from the renowned Napa Valley region, known for producing high-quality Cabernet Sauvignon.

    This wine pairs perfectly with grilled steak, roast lamb, hearty stews, and aged cheeses. Its bold flavors and structured tannins make it an ideal complement to savory dishes.



  • Replica Just Right Cabernet 2022 750ML

    Replica Just Right Cabernet 2022 750ML

    Replica Just Right Cabernet 2022 750ML is a delicious wine with a smooth and rich flavor profile. This Cabernet originates from the renowned wine region, making it a high-quality choice for wine enthusiasts.

    This wine pairs perfectly with hearty dishes such as grilled steak, roasted vegetables, and aged cheeses. Its bold flavor complements the savory flavors of these foods, making it a versatile choice for any meal.


  • Frey Organic Cabernet 750ML

    Frey Organic Cabernet 750ML

    Frey Organic Cabernet 750ML is a rich and velvety red wine with bold flavors of black cherry, plum, and a hint of cedar. This organic Cabernet hails from the renowned wine region of California, known for producing exceptional wines.

    This Cabernet pairs perfectly with grilled red meats, aged cheeses, and hearty pasta dishes. It also complements dishes with rich tomato-based sauces, making it a versatile option for a variety of meals.


  • Far Niente Post & Beam Napa Cabernet 2022 750ML

    Far Niente Post & Beam Napa Cabernet 2022 750ML

    Far Niente Post & Beam Napa Cabernet 2022 750ML is a premium wine sourced from the renowned Napa Valley region. This Cabernet offers a rich and bold flavor profile, with notes of dark berries, plums, and hints of oak, culminating in a smooth finish.

    Pair this exquisite Napa Cabernet with grilled ribeye steak, herb-roasted lamb, or aged cheddar cheese for a truly indulgent dining experience.



  • Pine Ridge Cabernet 750ML

    Pine Ridge Cabernet 750ML

    Pine Ridge Cabernet is a rich and full-bodied red wine from the renowned Napa Valley region. This Cabernet offers flavors of dark fruits, oak, and a hint of spice, with a velvety smooth finish.

    This elegant wine pairs perfectly with grilled steak, roasted lamb, pasta with red sauce, and aged cheeses. Enjoy a bottle of Pine Ridge Cabernet 2018 with your favorite hearty meal for a delicious dining experience.



  • Menage a Trois Decadence Cabernet 2022 750ML

    Menage a Trois Decadence Cabernet 2022 750ML

    Menage a Trois Decadence Cabernet 2022 750ML is a rich and full-bodied red wine from the region of California. This cabernet sauvignon boasts flavors of dark berries, plum, and toasty oak, with a smooth finish that lingers on the palate.

    This decadent cabernet pairs well with hearty dishes such as grilled steak, roasted lamb, or aged cheeses. It also complements pasta dishes with red sauce or dark chocolate desserts perfectly.



  • Educated Guess Napa County Cabernet 2022 750ML

    Educated Guess Napa County Cabernet 2022 750ML

    Enjoy the rich flavors of Educated Guess Napa County Cabernet 2022. This wine offers notes of dark fruits, cassis, and oak, sourced from the renowned Napa Valley region.

    Pair this Cabernet with grilled steak, roasted lamb, or aged cheeses for a delightful dining experience.

