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Apothic White 750ML is a refreshing and crisp white wine crafted from a blend of Chardonnay, Riesling, and Pinot Grigio grapes. This wine offers notes of peach, apricot, and a hint of honey, with a smooth finish. It originates from California, known for producing some of the finest wines in the world.
Pair Apothic White 750ML with light and fresh dishes such as seafood salads, grilled chicken, or creamy pasta dishes. It also complements mild cheeses, fruits, and desserts like lemon bars or fruit tarts. Enjoy this versatile wine chilled for the perfect pairing experience.
Product Details
Category | Wine |
Color | White |
Country | USA |
Region | California |
Style | Dessert Wine |
Varietal | White Blend |
Size | 750 ml |
Container | Bottle |