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Apothic White 750ML

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Apothic White 750ML is a refreshing and crisp white wine crafted from a blend of Chardonnay, Riesling, and Pinot Grigio grapes. This wine offers notes of peach, apricot, and a hint of honey, with a smooth finish. It originates from California, known for producing some of the finest wines in the world.

Pair Apothic White 750ML with light and fresh dishes such as seafood salads, grilled chicken, or creamy pasta dishes. It also complements mild cheeses, fruits, and desserts like lemon bars or fruit tarts. Enjoy this versatile wine chilled for the perfect pairing experience.

Product Details

StyleDessert Wine
VarietalWhite Blend
Size750 ml
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    SonoRoso Sweet White NV 750ML

    The SonoRoso Sweet White NV 750ML is a delightful wine with a crisp and refreshing flavor profile. This sweet white wine is perfect for those who enjoy a fruity and aromatic taste. It hails from a renowned wine region, known for producing exceptional white wines.

    This versatile wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, including seafood, salads, and light pasta dishes. Its sweetness also makes it a great pairing for spicy Asian cuisine or fruity desserts. Enjoy a glass of SonoRoso Sweet White NV 750ML with your favorite meal for a delightful dining experience.



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    Menage A Trois Exotic White Blend 2019 is a delightful wine crafted from a blend of exotic grapes. This white blend offers refreshing notes of tropical fruits and citrus, making it the perfect choice for hot summer days. Originating from California, this wine is best enjoyed chilled.

    Pair this Menage A Trois Exotic White Blend with light and fresh dishes such as seafood salads, grilled chicken, or vegetable stir-fry. The tropical fruit flavors of the wine complement dishes with vibrant flavors and textures, enhancing your dining experience.



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    Jam Jar Sweet White 750ML

    Jam Jar Sweet White 750ML is a delightful wine with a fruity and sweet flavor profile. Originating from South Africa, this white wine is perfect for those who enjoy a refreshing and easy-drinking option.

    This wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, including spicy Thai cuisine, creamy desserts, and light cheeses. It is also a great complement to seafood dishes such as shrimp or scallops.


  • Floriography Blooming White 2020 750ML

    Floriography Blooming White 2020 750ML

    Floriography Blooming White 2020 750ML is a delightful wine with a crisp and refreshing flavor profile. This white wine is crafted from grapes sourced from the finest vineyards in a renowned wine region, ensuring a high-quality and flavorful product.

    This elegant wine pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes, including seafood, salads, and light pasta dishes. The bright and citrusy notes of Floriography Blooming White complement a wide range of flavors, making it a versatile choice for any meal.
