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Baileys Cinnamon Churros Limited Edition 750ML

Product price




Indulge in the rich and creamy taste of Baileys Cinnamon Churros Limited Edition 750ML. This delightful liqueur combines the flavors of sweet cinnamon and crispy churros for a unique and delicious drink. Made with high-quality ingredients, this product is perfect for those looking to add a touch of indulgence to their evenings.

Enjoy Baileys Cinnamon Churros Limited Edition on its own over ice, or use it to add a decadent twist to your favorite cocktails and desserts. Try mixing it with coffee for a cozy nightcap, or drizzle it over vanilla ice cream for a tasty treat. This versatile liqueur is sure to become a new favorite in your collection.

Product Details

Size750 ml
  • Baileys 750ML

    Baileys 750ML

    Baileys 750ML is a classic Irish cream liqueur with a smooth and creamy texture. Made with rich dairy cream and the finest Irish whiskey, Baileys offers a luscious blend of flavors with hints of vanilla and chocolate.

    This versatile spirit can be enjoyed neat, over ice, or as a key ingredient in cocktails and dessert recipes. For a delicious treat, try adding a splash of Baileys to your coffee or hot chocolate for a cozy and indulgent drink.

