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Absolut Wild Berri 750ML

Product price




Absolut Wild Berri 750ML is a refreshing spirit that blends the natural flavors of wild berries for a fruity and smooth taste. Made in Sweden, this spirit is crafted with high-quality ingredients to ensure a consistently delicious and premium product.

This versatile spirit can be enjoyed on its own over ice, mixed with soda water and a splash of lemon for a refreshing cocktail, or used as a base for various mixology creations. Perfect for parties, gatherings, or simply unwinding after a long day, Absolut Wild Berri is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

Product Details

TypeVodka - Imported
Size750 ml
  • Pomela Pomelo Vodka 750ML

    Pomela Pomelo Vodka 750ML

    Pomela Pomelo Vodka is a refreshing spirit with a hint of citrus flavor derived from the finest pomelos. Distilled in the heart of Russia, this premium vodka is known for its smooth taste and clean finish.

    Enjoy Pomela Pomelo Vodka neat over ice for a crisp and invigorating experience. It also makes a delicious base for citrus cocktails such as pomelo martinis or pomelo mules. Experiment with different mixers and garnishes to create your own unique pomelo-inspired drinks.



  • Harridan Handcrafted Vodka 750ML

    Harridan Handcrafted Vodka 750ML

    Introducing Harridan Handcrafted Vodka 750ML, a premium spirit from an undisclosed region known for its exceptional vodka production. This smooth and crisp vodka offers a subtle hint of citrus with a clean finish, making it perfect for sipping on its own or in your favorite cocktails.

    For the best experience, try Harridan Handcrafted Vodka in classic cocktails like martinis or Moscow mules. Chill the vodka before serving to enhance its flavors, and garnish with a twist of lemon or a few fresh mint leaves for a refreshing touch. Whether you're enjoying it neat or mixed, Harridan Handcrafted Vodka is sure to impress with its quality and taste.


  • Vodka 6100 750ML

    Vodka 6100 750ML

    Introducing Vodka 6100 750ML, a premium spirit that offers a smooth and clean taste. This vodka is crafted in the region known for its pristine water sources and expert distillation techniques.

    To experience the best of Vodka 6100 750ML, enjoy it chilled or use it as a base for classic cocktails like martinis or vodka tonics. Its versatility makes it a great addition to any home bar or for entertaining guests.



  • Nue Vodka 750ML

    Nue Vodka 750ML

    Experience the smooth taste of Nue Vodka 750ML, a premium spirit originating from a distillery in a region known for its impeccable crafting of spirits. This vodka boasts a clean and crisp flavor profile, making it perfect for cocktails or enjoying on the rocks.

    To fully enjoy the Nue Vodka 750ML, we recommend serving it chilled in a martini glass for a classic cocktail experience. For a refreshing twist, mix with your favorite fruit juice or soda for a unique and delicious drink. Whether sipped neat or mixed into a cocktail, Nue Vodka 750ML is sure to elevate any drinking occasion.



  • Absolut Elyx 750ML

    Absolut Elyx 750ML

    Absolut Elyx 750ML is a premium vodka crafted from single estate wheat from Sweden, renowned for its smooth and silky mouthfeel. This luxurious spirit offers a clean, crisp taste with hints of vanilla and a subtle nuttiness, making it perfect for sipping on its own or mixing in cocktails.

    To fully enjoy Absolut Elyx, serve it chilled in a martini glass or mix it with a splash of fresh citrus juice for a refreshing cocktail. Experiment with different garnishes like mint or cucumber to enhance the flavors of this high-quality vodka.



  • Absolut Mandrin 750ML

    Absolut Mandrin 750ML

    Absolut Mandrin 750ML is a premium spirits product with a distinct mandarin flavor profile. Made in Sweden, this vodka is infused with mandarin and other citrus flavors, creating a smooth and refreshing taste that is perfect for mixing in cocktails or enjoying straight.

    For best results, try mixing Absolut Mandrin with soda water and a splash of lime for a simple and delicious cocktail. Alternatively, use it as a base for fruity mixed drinks like Cosmopolitans or Mandarin Mules. Experiment with different citrus garnishes to enhance the citrus notes in this versatile spirit.



  • Absolut Citron 750ML

    Absolut Citron 750ML

    Absolut Citron 750ML is a premium citrus-flavored vodka originating from Sweden. This renowned spirit offers a refreshing blend of lemon and lime flavors, perfect for mixing into your favorite cocktails.

    For optimal enjoyment, try mixing Absolut Citron with tonic water and a splash of fresh lemon juice for a zesty and effervescent cocktail. It can also be enjoyed chilled on its own or used as a base for a variety of citrusy drinks.

